15 Day Diet Plan

15 Day Diet Plan Crush Your Extra Body Weight

We all know that inconsistent spirit is one of the factors that leads to ineffective weight loss. Hence, you should have proper 15 Day Diet Plan, that have proper weight loss plan, high self determination, and a stable spirit to achieve your ideal weight. As there are millions of diet plans, and all of they promise lose weight in just 1 week. But none of them even close to this diet.

The people who actually practice this diet, claims that this diet is healthy, but their immune system doesn’t work properly. Hence, speaking with personal experience, they have lose their weight but doesn’t follow the guidelines of this diet plan. Hence, you should not follow any other diet plan. Rather using another diet plan, you should concentrate on 15 Day Diet Plan. You will be amazed after seeing its results. As the more weight you have, and more weight you are going to lose. If you have excess weight, then this means, 15 Day Diet Plan is better for you.

Just Follow This 15 Day Diet Plan :-

  • Do Same breakfast every day.

In the breakfast you can prefer orange, 2 banana pieces, cup of tea without sugar and so on.

  • During the weekend eat normally.

Here you should maintain the wanted weight. When you get to the weight you want, try to maintain 15 Day Diet Plan by eating normal according to the menu.

  • Breakfast :- 1 lemonade without sugar.
  • Lunch :- 1 boiled Egg, 1 Tomato soup.
  • Dinner :- 1 piece of rusk, 1 tomato plus 1 boiled egg.

Directions And Rules To Be Followed Strictly During 15 Day Diet Plan :-

  • Meat and cooked vegetables should be sizzled with herbs.
  • You should not drink alcohol.
  • You can also eat the ingredients hot or cold, but the most important thing is to take them according to correct precision.
  • After 5 days you will lose 2-5 kg.
  • Here, after 5 days, you should try to pause the diet for 2 days and eat in normal accounts.
  • Repeat this diet after 2 to 3 times in a row. In total you will get 15 Day Diet Plan.